You were expecting a genuine definition of lol? Well, you get a BFDI reference instead!
by notarealperson111 December 30, 2021
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A qualifier used to diffuse tension at the end of a particularly serious statement. The user of this qualifier usually anticipates a negative reaction (the nature of which is either anger or awkwardness) from the listener, and thus hopes that adding the word "lol" will convey a tone of facetiousness, which is often not discernible in netspeak.
Johnson: Hey Timothy, last night I shat in your mother's vagina and farted in her mouth, after which I proceeded to masturbate on her face and urinate all over her body lol.
Timothy: Haha, oh Johnson, you never fail to amuse me.
Johnson: I wasn't kidding, lol.
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Back when chat was invented, believe it or not, the meaning of lol was nothing more than Lamer On Line, so most elite guys would use that too alert others and make fun of lamers without their knowledge, course lamers not knowing that, did not understand the meaning and quickly it became known to be Laughting Out Loud, score one for the lamers... :) all this happened when text was king and the net a i said...believe it or not.

see: lamer
Lammer> This coversation channel sux and you all stupid.
Ruler> lol
by Watson February 15, 2005
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the thing you say when you can't think of any other appropriate response. Sometimes used in conversation face-to-face, much to the chagrin of the English-speaking world.
by missmagpie January 20, 2009
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A word used as a filler in a failing instant message conversation, when you have nothing left to say.
Person #1: yeah so then i told him to get off my case and he was like well get off my case and i was like well you were on my case first and he was like well i dont care and then his girlfriend broke up with him through text so he was super depressed.

Person #2: lol

Person #1: and then it was like weird cuz i know he likes me a little bit and he was totally looking at me in a funny way and i was like jeez what are you doing rite?

Person #2: lol

Person #1: and hes like dude I'm totally going emo so my girl will want me again and he was like being all sad so i tried to comfort him and stuff but he was just being really closed up. i think he likes me!!!

Person #2: lol
by Beckley April 10, 2009
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Person 1: my cat just farted
Person 2: lol
by cat person November 19, 2005
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