a fun little thing to have. i got mine when i was eight, for my brother's tenth birthday, lol. getting better and better, doing more things, faster, or efficiantly. so more people are getting them youger. theres nothing wrong with it so stfu.
7 year old girl= "Dad my friend just got a cell phone!"

Dad= "Well, I think its about time you get one."

7 year old girl= "FOR SERIOUS!? :"
by kccc =] June 5, 2007
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One of the best inventions ever. For you dimwits who've been living under a rock for the past 10 years, a cell phone is a miniature phone that you can carry around with you, and features text messaging, a shorter version of email. As I was saying, an awesome invention. I don't kno wut i'd do w/out mine...
I'll text you on my cell phone on the way.
by blogger_08 January 17, 2006
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a status symbol availiable to only the rich, ...and to people smart enough to ask for the 'pay for free minuts' plan which is a hell of a lot cheaper than prepay.
people with the "hang up and drive" sticker, thought that they couldn't afford a cell cause they didn't understand their options, or went to a stupid shop that doesn't understand the options.
by CHRISTIAN LARDY February 16, 2005
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The term the crack-heads across the street use to secretly talk about their drug or drugs. YEs, we know what you're talking about.
Katey: "Billy, where's my cell phone?"

Billy: "It's in your fucking hand you stupid bitch."

Katey: "Where's my cell phone?"

Billy: " You're fucking talking on it." (Then walks inside all angry and shit.)

Billy: (comes out, hands her something and says) "Here's your fucking cell phone!" (Bag of crack)

Katey: "It's not enough."

Then they argue for like a half an hour, then he finally says, "Bitch, HEAD SHOT! Fuck off and die!"

And they both squeal tires out of there driving in different directions.

loudest fucking neighbors ever, I swear.
by Abriel Ole September 2, 2016
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Objects which are beginning to be given to little girls in 2nd grade who have no place to go thus have no reason to hvae one except to show it off, which pisses me off. They prance around in their little midriff baring shirts trying to be Brotney Spears when infact they look like little spoiled riches bitch sluts, whose parents have no idea what the words Discipline, and hard work mean.
Becky: Like OMG Stacy I just got the coolest new cell.

Stacy: Like OMG we can use it when we drive our barbie jeeps around the block.

Me(overhearing the conversation): WTF
by Mia February 20, 2005
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In the olden days, movie theatres used to have orchestras to accompany the film. Today, they have cell phones, a portable communication device sent from Hell. It is fine if used in moderation, but it almost never is.
"Marsha, I don't know what I'd do without you. But I'm afraid I must reveal that the secret killer of our lovers is…"


"Hello? Hi! Yeah. What's up? Uh-huh. Me too. Eh, nothing much. In the middle of a movie. What? No, I didn't yet. Wait…hold on. People are being rude and throwing things at me."
by Moshe A. December 28, 2005
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The thing of the past.

Today, pocket-sized computers that have (mostly) the same functions of a regular-sized desktop or laptop computer can do; i.e. read, write, surfing the web, look at the time and keeping time, listening to music, gaming (not the high-detail games like Skyrim, Call of Duty and such), e-mailing, etc.

The best feature these pocket-sized computers are well known for are the ability to call and text just like a cell phone, except a little more "modern". These are called "Smartphones".
Girl (on her 12th birthday): "YAAY! SOO excited! I got my first phone! I can't wait to show it to my friends at school!"

(The next day at school):

Girl: Hey, do you like my new cell phone? I got it got my birthday, yesterday."

Friend of Girl: "What is that ugly thing?? *scoff* You call that a phone? What is this, the 90's? Get a real phone like mine" *holds up a slim, shiny, new smartphone*

Girl: That's not a phone, that's a pocket sized computer!"

Friend of Girl: "Oh, true, but mine's still better than yours. Mine's the shit, yours is.... shit"
by Ilisten2Metal April 19, 2014
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