A castle, dark and broken down, built higher only by the one who pays to build it. When it becomes longer than the brighter one in front of it, the sun won't be able to reflect on the darker one or the brighter one, and you'll have to save up money to build up the brighter one more.
"It'll be over soon." She answered, climbing up the long stairs. She casts a long gaze over to the windows, looking across the dark field. "Do you see the sun?"

"You never see the sun in Sadness."
by Nivid May 8, 2017
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1: when your feeling down.
2: suck a dick
3: a song by XXXTENTACION
1: man i have to go the therapist because i feel sad
2: SAD why don't you.
3: my favourite XXXTENTACION song is sad!
by eggsbad June 8, 2021
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Sunday Afternoon Drinks.

Because regular folk have to work on Monday, it's wiser to start drinking on Sunday afternoon so you'll be wasted early and can go to bed in time.
Starting to drink too late on Sunday could seriously effect your appetite for

MND, TND, WND, ThND and/or FND and that would be sad...
A: Wanna meet for drinks on Sunday?

B: Sure, but let's make it a SAD, I'm not a sad jobless tosser like the rest of your friends.

A: Noon then?

B: Noon it'll be.
by Milanifan October 16, 2010
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