A television channel that, despite all evidence to the contrary, is not a comedy or parody channel. they tend to cater to the extreme right of politics, who are in fact, a minority. they just happen to have the loudest audience. Fox news tends to distort news stories to paint the republican party as the hero, or, if there is no way to manipulate the news in the way they want, they resort to a downright ass pull that people nonetheless believe because it's what the want to hear. one such instance was where they claimed the original mass effect game would feature "full frontal nudity" and was a "sex simulation game" that only existed to "corrupt the minds of the new generation.*" heartless bastards only brought in one person who had played the game, and he was an idiot at defending it. in other words, fox is great for a laugh, but don't belive a single thing they say.

*not exact quotes, but close enough.
Jane doe: "did you watch fox news? they have hilarious story going about how democrats are evil!"

John doe: "that's great! you can always count on them for a laugh!"
by ratbrainbasher October 21, 2013
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Cuntservative: OMG did you see Fox News last night?

Shitberal: idiot u meen faux news lololololololo!!!!111!11
by Zombater October 16, 2014
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Fox News is news so fake it describes itself as Fox News
Husband:Honey did you see Fox News today!?

Wife:No pumpkin why?

Husband: Well don't its such Fox News
by Poopee fingers August 7, 2018
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Fox News is the most-watched cable network in the U.S, And is a deep state operation mockingbird CIA asset designed to promote RINO ideologies (Neo"conservatism") within the Republican Party (GOP), Unlike other mainstream media outlets which are straight democrat propaganda.
Boomer Reagan worshipper: "Nikki haley is soooo good because Fox News and Sean Hannity told me so!"
by Misinformation Spreader May 21, 2023
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The punchline to any joke.
Bill: Knock Knock,

Terry: Who's there?

Bill: Fox News.

(Terry laughs hysterically.)
by Incoherent Duck March 11, 2007
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A far right neo-con "talk show" that presents itself as news. In fact if the news does not favor their distorted view they focus on sensational tabloid stories of rape and murder to titillate the religious right that pretends morality. This show is so hilarious that I might even rate it as a comedy if it werent for the fact that some ignorant americans really believe it is fair and balanced. It is a show for lower IQ people who want to be reassured their small minds are correct and that everyone in the world who isnt white,right wing extremists re evil. Fox news hates you if you are Democrat, moderate thinking republican. Catholic, Lutheran,asian,black,hispanic, and the list goes on. They have a narrow box of extreme radical fundalmentalist with a corporate agenda and if you look closely rather perverted. The owner (Rupert Murdich" specializes in tabloids that exploit crimes against women and children then report every delicious sexual detail so the "moral" religious right" can get their jollies while exclaing how hrrible everyone else is. It really promotes rich big corporations and Republicans like George W. and use their guise as a "conservative" station to manipulate the average, easily manipulated person who wants to think of themselves as moral citizens while their mind is being filled with anything but factual news reporting. Wake up america and start watching C-span and see what is really happening.
Wake up America and start thinking and quit being manipulated!
by Mld August 20, 2005
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Funniest Tv station ever. Good source of entertainment. But seriously, I trust the Daily Show more.
"Did you see that special on Fox news? John Kerry was a hooker in Vietnam apparently."
by Tony ramone June 20, 2005
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