Guy 3: my mom's soup is delicious
Guy 1: hell no it's just water
by 99coronasonawall March 17, 2020
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fermaldahide sucked into a cigerette with pcp in it
by splankinberry August 11, 2003
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Water, or as Bmorians call it, warter is one of the many words Bmorians like to slangify. Among other words,

Ablance = Ambulance
mil = milk
warshinton = washington
warsh = wash

warter clearly defines a balmorian and what part of balmore they are from... HUN!
GUY: So you goin down to warshinton?
GIRL: Yea, gotta get away from those amblances that are chasin me along side those things that squirt warter.
by Lance May 7, 2005
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things that africans don't have
wheres the water
by kjcwebke September 10, 2018
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Liquid substance made famous by NOLF2.
NOLF2's water looks better than real-life!
by TGKF March 27, 2003
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pcp. a drug that can be used for dipping.
dip a cigarette in the vial of pcp and smoke the wet part.
you better not f*** with them fools thats gone off that water water
by XenomuZ December 5, 2006
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