1. Slang meaning to be extremly proficient in an activity.
2. Slang used to refer specifically to one's fighting ability.
You best knuckle up and protect your grill holmes, cuz I gots the stoopid skills.
by Ride the Bomb September 1, 2003
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A word that describes the coolness or skillz of something. Shouldn't be used frequently cause not everything is pro skillz.
Dude, that basketball is pro skillz.

Did you see that pro skillz swish?
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Skills that are beyond the pros. You are so good you are above every pro.
Dude, you just beat fatal1y you got ultra-leet-skillz
by computergamer56 May 24, 2009
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Skillz that only a geneticly mutated banana that is trained in the wayz of the Ninjaz could have.
W00t.Look at those Uber Ninja Banana Skillz. I just pwned both their asses.
by Zak_the_N1NJ@ May 11, 2008
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a incredibly skilled gamer who is a very good call of duty player and has carried his squeal to 1000’s of wins and regarded as one of the best and loved by his team mates
SkillZ chomp is a very skilled gamer and just won another game
by bombboy123 March 24, 2023
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When a small child (typically a infant) has amazing skills (usually in the academic field)

Alot of people don't know that there are many different types of Skilled Babu's

1. Smart Babu
2. Streetwise Babu
3. Gamer Babu
And finally the most powerful the Omni Babu!
by Sai-Chan June 22, 2021
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