Past-tense of the word lunch. See that definition for a good idea of what lunched is. It means to do something stupid, or to mess something up. It originated from the stoner-culture, and used to be associated with being high or burnt. But that is not always the case anymore. Go read the definition for lunch if you still don't understand.

You also hear, "lunched out". Same thing, just a different way to say it.

Definitely regional, I've only heard the word used in DC when I lived there, and we said it ALL the time! Since moving from there, no one I've met has ever heard of it.
Awww, man, I lunched! I drove all the way here and forgot the dang receipt!

After all that planning, he lunched out and walked through the security gate with a nug stuck to his fleece! Needless to say, he got arrested, what an idiot!
by OTT August 1, 2005
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noun; a blow-job. lunch can be either given or received.
"she gave me lunch yesterday and it was so nice"

"Dude, I heard George got some lunch from her."
by titsmiggie March 9, 2010
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a meal that we have at 12 00 pm
by Anonymous October 4, 2003
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type of overweight people who take on a round shape. rotund, if you will.

or LUNCHES, when referring to a group of rotund individuals.

synonyms: SNORLAX
"daaamn, she's such a freakin' lunch!"

"you heard about that earthquake, right? it was cos those lunches took a step -__-"

"damn snorlax over there is hauling ass to the lunch-line!"
by refcrusader April 28, 2010
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I was held back because of lunch.
by mr_mcmuffin February 25, 2012
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An adjective to describe when something is exceptionally enjoyable, pleasant or tasty. Commonly used in Yorkshire, England. Derived from the French "C'est Dejeuner" used in Lyon and Annecy in France as well as the canton of Vaud in Switzerland. It started as the French said there was nothing luckier and more perfect than a delicious lunch.
"That view is very lunch" or in French "Cette vue est dejeuner"
by hjsm August 13, 2020
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