A grey pegasus pony and minor character in the cartoon series My Little Pony. She is best known for her clumsiness and cross-eyed gaze. Originally named Ditzy Doo, she quickly became a favorite among bronies. She likes muffins and delivering mail.
Derpy Hooves can count to muffin. She is not a clever pony.
by laofmoonster March 31, 2011
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A stupid, yet hilarious trick on someone
Bob derpy trolled me , it made everyone lol
by The magic monkey June 28, 2015
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A stupid and hilarious looking face often with an awkward smile or crossed eyes
"Look up derp dog to see an example of a derpy face"
by urbancow May 29, 2016
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"Merpy Derpy" Is the feeling of happiness, but also slightly sad or confused.
"I was feeling very Merpy Derpy today in class."
by CharmanderIsFire April 8, 2015
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A real word meaning of or related to the word derp.
"Man, that sure is derpy, and nothing else!" Said Sydney
by Derpyderpyderpderp January 26, 2015
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Derpies is an increasingly prevalent socially-transmitted disease that impairs mental function in afflicted individuals. Derpies has become as common as one-in-two individuals on average in the world's population. The level of concentration of affected individuals increases the risk of exposure and transmission exponentially. Despite this fact, rural areas appear equally affected as urban areas. Cooperative vigilance and increased awareness are strongly advised as the only effective deterrents to the spread of this illness.

Symptoms of Derpies include:

Decline in common sense
Impairment of motor functions
Reduction in observational skills
Appreciation of reality television
Pattern of poor decisionmaking
Increased laugh response
Reckless driving and parking
Misuse of commonly used words
Distortion of spacial reasoning
Excessive quasi-aggressive
physical contact

If four or more of the listed symptoms apply to you, a friend or a loved one, Derpies may have already taken root in your social environment. Unlike its permanent, sexually-transmitted
cousin; Herpes, the non-permanent Derpies is potentially deadly. It is important for affected individuals to seek academic assistance immediately to mitigate Derpies-associated
risks to your social well-being.
Bob: "John has been acting ridiculously. He likes stupid things and laughs all the time."
Alice: "He has been hanging out with Frat boys."
Bob: "He has been watching the Jersey Shore reruns."
Alice: "We need to have an talk with him. I think that he has Derpies. And, I don't want to get it to."
by PacketLost July 15, 2015
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uselesss; nonsense.
None of your herpy-derpy talk!
by uttam maharjan June 26, 2011
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