A quick connection to the world.. a common factor among the rich and the poor. the joiner of all who are busy and all who are lazy.. the one, the only, the great communicator.
by easycomeeasygo August 2, 2004
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Something a typical teenage girl CAN'T live without. It keeps her in touch with all her friends and she is probably always on it.
Hey! You wanna go to the movies with me and Amanda tonight?
by Brittany February 17, 2005
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a portable telephone that causes radiation poisoning in your brain and causes brain tumors
by PlayDohMan May 11, 2004
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1)a girl's best friend cause it has 12 different types of vibrate

2)a what-ya-ma-call-it used to call people on the go

3)a cheap way of getting bling bling
1)i need a faster one

2)can i call you from the car?

3)i got da bling bling on ebay!
by scott July 14, 2004
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Cell Phone (Cellular Phone, Cellphone, Cancer-stick.) N.:

The cell phone is a device that came out during the 1980's. It has gone through a series of evolutions, from the brick-like appearance that it once had, to the satchel-bomb looking Carphone, to the almost sex-toy in shaped objects we have now days.

Cell phones are host to a slew of 'programs' used for various forms of communication, from the Standard voice-interaction called Calling, to the Text-Message, right down to the tag-like system of Voicemail.

Oddly enough, these options all cost exorbitant amounts of monetary wealth.
So I got my first Cell Phone Friday... and I heard my wallet crying in agony.
by Chris Shank September 26, 2005
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Savior, Lord, God in heaven, Holy Spirit, the thing that saved me last weekend when i was too drunk to drive.
Thank fucking god i had my cell phone last saturday when my boyfriend fucked my best friend on our couch.
by Alli in wonderland October 13, 2007
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Old fashioned word for mobile phone. Still used in backward areas of the world.
A cell phone would be like one of those huge brick things with a long arial that people used to have in the 1980s. Now they are much smaller and known as mobile's.
by Terry September 12, 2004
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