An upstanding member of the community who greatly contributes to the workforce and touches grass
"Hey bro have you heard of I shit in the shower?"

"yeah man he has a job and contributes to society"
by bruhmoment12 July 16, 2021
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At curtain times there is a need to take a shit so you have to do it in the shower. Only acceptable if the shower door looks like a toilet.
The guy who shits in the shower is a person who takes a shit in a shower exp. Felix
by TheMasterOfTheShotGun May 30, 2021
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A shit concieved in the nude before drying off, after a shower. Preferably after a warm shower to make the shit more pleasurable.
Damn! That After Showere Shit (ASS) was soooo nice. You should try it!
by WilBur77 May 22, 2011
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Taking a shit while showering at the same time. To prevent from being cold while taking a shit. (Swedish)
Jag körde en Shit and Shower i morse för att vakna till liv.

I did a Shit and Shower this morning to wake the fuck up.
by CreatorOfShitAndShower June 27, 2017
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The practice of shitting (in a toilet near a shower, of course) and proceeding to pressure wash one’s asshole with the jet setting in the shower.
Going shit-to-shower saves the pandas and leaves your taint fresh and clean.”

“This is the weirdest TED talk I’ve ever been to.”
by Brock Kakashi June 7, 2022
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When you shit into a shower drain because you don't want to get out of the shower
Roommate: bro, It smells like someone took a crap in the shower

You: yeah, I took a shower shit
by Shmeebledorf November 24, 2019
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