Under the influence of marijuana; high;

Originated in reference to grass; aka weed
"Mow" being weed. Hence, "on the mow, mowing" = smoking weed; "mowed"= high
"Dude, I'm so mowed right now."
"Same bro, I just mowed 10 minutes ago."
"Can I cop some mow later?"
by dadi_myke May 7, 2019
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the universal word to discribe somthing that has no word to discribe it... u can use mow in any form .. negative posotive... as an adj. v. or n.
that photo is "mow"

No "Mowing" way

i Mowed her all night long
by shit March 26, 2007
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To get told; often used in conjunction with the whole "arse is grass" thing.
"Whoa, Fred got mowed up by his mom."
by D June 21, 2004
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To go through something quickly like beer or food aggresively.
John "Where'd that case go?"
Jack "Oh we mowed through those an hour ago"
John "really? fuck you I threw down for that brew"
Jack "Too bad you were mowing that chick while we were throwin' back"
by Joelcham November 2, 2009
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eating, a word referring to eating something scrumptious. very close to nom in meaning, more emphasis comes from mow.
i just mow'd that cake.
im going to go home and mow that cheese.
steve said "mowmowmow" when he ate the cookies from the cookie jar
by dnaman July 8, 2010
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when brent pruitt woop yo ass wit da left and right
man bitch dont make me mowmow you at da princess royale yo
by Trey Davis March 17, 2005
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