a person that has asian descent and looks asian
I'm considered asian asian because I'm Cambodian and look asian.
by jenniferwasherr August 16, 2008
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1. Japanese, chinese, or korean are not the only asians in the world you know.

There’s the Filipinos, Taiwanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesians, Malaysians, Indians, Russians, and many more

2. There are 45 countries in Asia.

3. Not all asians are white, not all are smart, and not all speaks “ching chong
Asian transferee: I’m asian

Random student: so you’re chinese

Asian transferee: no I’m not

Another student: probably smart

Asian transferee: (rethinks life as memories of failing grades appear)
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to be pwned by an asian
Prissy white kid walks down the street and gets hit in the face by a bowl of Insta-Noodles.
Random Asian Kid, "You got ASIANIZED!"
by xxXMrNoodlesXxx May 11, 2010
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1. to kick someone in the face.
2. to go asian on
1. i asianated that son.
2. dont make me asianate you
by asianballanator October 30, 2007
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