A response to something that happened that in no way could be avoided.
Police officer: The victim was hit by an oncoming car. It was going too fast for him to avoid it.

Police officer 2: ....shoulda rolled.


"Today we will discuss the ways Freddy Murcury could have avoided HIV. Number 1..... shoulda rolled"
by Pandeer Glepstein July 10, 2018
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Should have already done so prior to already doing so.
He been shoulda been payin’ me my money!
by Ghetto Fabulous Kitten February 15, 2018
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should’ve used a condom.
bob- “i had sex with kaz the other day, i think she might be pregnant
kim- “shoulda put something on the end of it.”
by ghxstz February 13, 2023
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When someone who is black comes upon money or is already rich and famous and does some stupid shit that reflects badly on every other black person. Originating from an episode of the Chappelle show.
Black friend: Dawg, I just bought a 21 foot long snake girl body pillow. It costed 1700 dollars.

by Im_Stalking_and_lurking August 6, 2023
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A phenomenon which occurs when one becomes intensley cross-faded to the point of becoming sick. Symptoms include sweating, pale skin, and lead to vommiting. Occurs typically when an individual becomes mildly intoxicated, and then proceeds to unexpectedly smoke more weed than their body is typically accustomed to.
“Yo did you hear what happened to Timmy last night?”
Ya bro, he got super crossed and threw up everywhere!”
Damn dude, he Shoulda Had a Juul.”
by PatPat Patterson June 3, 2018
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How stupid people spell "should've". Supposed short form for "should have".
I shoulda paid attention in school
by LokiBrot January 11, 2019
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