A first line vocabulary is someone who hears a cool or just clever new slang term and then goes to Urban Dictionary and assumes the first meaning is the correct one no matter what the context.
I saw a girl get disowned by her family because she tried to pull a first line vocabulary move and ended up calling her mother a swine humping prostitute by accident.
by saharadryhumor December 27, 2014
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Goats are like mushrooms; if you shoot a duck, I’m scared of toasters.
“Yo man we got so high yesterday” - Brad Pitt
“Definitely!! Goats were like mushrooms; if ya shot a duck, I’d be scared of toasters.” -Other Brad Pitt

“Vocabulary 10/10” - Chris Pratt
by OrphanStomper October 28, 2018
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Just regular vocabulary but consists of the word "Fuck" after every word. Usually happens when people are drunk, and or high.
Irishman: What the fuck is going on here you motherfucking face pussy. You been fuckin round here latley? I think you been fuckin. Get the fuck off!

You: Dontcha use your Irish Vocabulary on me!!
by 1337 Silverland December 30, 2011
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A person who feels the need to correct every wrong word you say including pronunciation
my wife could get a job as a VCO Vocabulary Corrections Officer
by revdog February 1, 2009
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a phrase meaning: learn how to correctly talk to your elders
younger brother: yo Amos, you big bully of a brother, give me your candy. Where the hell did you get anyways?

Amos: Sean, I am giving you three choices. now choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. one either beat the crap out of you for talking to me like that, two you eat your own cheese, or three, last but not least, you improve your vocabulary. Got that? Now, give me an answer.
by Sexydimma May 19, 2012
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a phrase meaning: learn how to correctly talk to your elders
younger brother: yo Amos, you big bully of a brother, give me your candy.

Amos: Sean, I am giving you three choices. now choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. one I either beat the crap out of you for talking to me like that and you eat your own cheese, or two you improve your vocabulary. Got that?
by Sexydimma December 4, 2012
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