an word used to describe people or things detached or remaining from a bigger main body
killahobi is never beating the leftover allegations , there are leftovers in the fridge
by aixani January 27, 2022
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people who you talk to when your real friends arent around
Avi: Damit where's Aron, i have no one to talk to but jessie.

Avi: *sigh* hey jessie

Jessie: hey what's up

Avi: I hate leftovers
by FeldmanCannon June 22, 2009
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That one person in class who never has a partner and therefore is either tacked on to another group of two or is left to work by themselves. This can also be a result of the class having an uneven amount of students.
Being a leftover makes you feel lonely T.T
by Ophelia Sterling March 16, 2010
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quite similar to the term hung-over. most likely stoned/high the night before and in the morning experiencing a feeling of__ being not all there, tipsy, STILL high/stony, or in very lethargic bliss.
"did you blaze this morning with out me?
"no no, im just leftover from when we smoked last night."

"dood whats wrong with you?? are u hungover from lastnight or something?"
"no, i only blazed lastnight and now im super LEFTOVER.."
by southerncalifornians January 11, 2008
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the amount of weed remaining in one's stash on april 21st leftover from a dank 4-20 chronfest
hey man, are you feeling a leftovers sesh???
by hen hen April 25, 2007
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when u fart then have a following fart
richard, did u just here thoose leftovers
by austin 911 November 12, 2007
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The remaining alcohol left in the bottles after a party.
God damn my head hurts...hey those bottles aren't empty - leftovers!!
by AlcoholRox January 31, 2007
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