The act of sucking the Pinkie after performing the shocker.
by jesse March 18, 2003
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When a girl has her period, then it goes away for a day, then returns the next day because there was left over blood.
Girl 1: Shit, you gotta tampon?
Girl 2: I thought your period ended two days ago..
Girl 1: I thought so to, but I got that damn aftershock.
Girl 2: Ohh....
by T8T3R T0T March 10, 2008
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The act of releasing very large amounts of gas after one takes a large shit.
Damn Donald, I know you just took a shit, but we really don't need to hear your aftershocks at the table!
by Glo The Legend January 22, 2007
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A really great band that plays original rock. They have the hit song "Urban Yeti."
I went to an Aftershock practice and was shocked!
by RoxorMyBoxor February 1, 2004
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The series of bodily tremors following an orgasm (typically experienced by women).
After she came, her body experienced climaxic aftershocks for a couple of minutes.
by king_shot_travels_south April 25, 2009
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: (n) a sword technique that requires the user to slash an object, which will inflict interior damage while keeping the exterior unblemished; a master of this technique can sculpt the interior to their liking.
After Wa De Kun used delayed aftershock on a boulder, the boulder seemed to remain unchanged. However, when you look inside the boulder via an x-ray, you can see a replica of Michelangelo's David.
by Yuudma February 13, 2018
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The feeling of slight soreness/dull aching pain following the act of immense bowel cleansing, coming from the anus expanding to a, sometimes, seemingly unbelievable amount.
Bobby: Are you okay, Chuck?
Chuck: Oh, I'm alright, I'm just experiencing some pretty horrendous poop aftershock.
Bobby: I told you not to have that fourth bean chalupa last night!

Sometimes I can barely walk after I take a huge POO! DAMN YOU, POOP AFTERSHOCK!!!
by Ashley and Abby February 10, 2008
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