A big purple raisand thing that gets bullied by the avengers because he collects rocks and he wears a big glove with rocks glued to it
See that ballsack chin grimace raisand guy he killed all his bullies his name is thanos
by HulkPoopedHisPants August 14, 2018
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A purple prune that has a rock collection, has a cool glove, adopts random children after commiting genocide on their family, has a insurance company called 50%, and gets bullied by the avengers.
Thanos is using skin care..
by not_space_rock21 July 25, 2019
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A big purple raisin with an oversized glove that has a strong passion for space rocks.
The oversized raisin Thanos collected all infantile stones.
by Danjaye May 2, 2019
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a giant grape that likes to snap
thanos: I hate you *snap* ha ur ded lol
by Anvils May 28, 2019
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A gay raisin nigga with a gucci oven mit that threw his adopted grape off a cliff for his fucking rock collection
Alex: Can you pass me the grapes?
Me: I cant because ant-man fucked him in the ass and he fucking died.
RIP Thanos
by 69420694206942069420 September 12, 2019
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An adjective to describe something that is supreme, immense, powerful, or of a great quantity.
Guy 1: “Dude I got THANOS IRON”

Guy 2: “Aghh, fuck... the biters are attacking my copper!”
by FackAttac January 18, 2019
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a fat rasin that snaps half of the universe away
thanos is a rasin

Everyone else:reeeeeee
by Geja24 May 2, 2019
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