Jonas has the ass that will make you go insane for the rest of your entire fucking life. He may be a little toxic, but if he isn't toxic to you, you know he is a keeper. Jonas makes you go insane in the membrane, and insane in the brain, whether you are a boy or a girl. This guy is a keeper, because you know he has a stack of whole milk whenever you need it. But what a faggot
Jonas is such a hottie, it's too bad that he isn't single
by Penis Lover 212 April 15, 2019
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The name given to a widely popular boy-band who have billions of screaming and crying over-fanatic fans. Usually used in the tween group expressions.
by Ohh, JB LOVE. March 21, 2009
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A fat ass guy who cant move and play on a patato everyday a.k.a A mountain

Random peson: Hey Jonas wanna go out and do somt stuff ??

Jonas: No f*** off im gonna play on my patato everyday

Jonas: Its everyday bro!
#Jonas #Bro #Patato #GIVE ME MONEY PLEASE
by Da Beast Of All NigNogs June 27, 2017
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Usually a name givin to a guy with a big ass fcking cock givin from birth 14 inch as a baby
Wow there goes jonas i know hes packing
by Not Cool dude April 23, 2021
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Someone who has smelly breath and enjoys being farted on.
Guy 1: Ew, look at that guy over there getting farted on
Guy 2: Must be a Jonas
Guy 1: yea, his breath smells bad too
by sebber July 18, 2019
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I was in the bedroom beating up the jonas last night.

She shaves her jonas.

That girl may not be a model but she has some good jonas.

I hope the next time i take my girl out i can get some jonas from her cute butt.
by The surveyer December 27, 2005
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A name used for the hugely popular boy band that obsessed teenage girls drool over.
Also A name that every sexy latino has.
Girl 1: OMG! The Jo Bros are so dreamy! I'm drooling!
Girl 2: They aren't so hot.
Jonas: Hey what's up?
Girl 2:Ohhhhh....He's so dreamy!
Both girls: Ohhhh....
Jonas:Look! I'm swimming!
by Hyena King December 14, 2009
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