A place on urbandictionary.com where obnoxious eurofags bitch about how Americans call football soccer and vice versa.
pretentious european 1#: I can't believe that America is the only nation in the world that calls football soccer. That's suck bollocks!

pretentious european #2: Quite, really. And they're bloody stupid as well; most Americans don't even know what the capital of our country is!

Pretentious european #1: Yes, and at least our queen didn't fuck over the entire Middle-Eastern area.

pretentious european #2: Yes, God bless the queen.
by your-friend July 12, 2008
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A term referring to several different team sports around the world. Most games known as "football" actually involve the use of the hands more frequently than the feet, such as American Football, Canadian Football, Gaelic Football, and Australian Rules Football.

The term also refers to Association Football, a game in which players primarily use their feet (although they also make extensive use of the head, chest, and knees while goalkeepers are also permitted to use their hands). Most of the English-speaking world (the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Ireland to an extent, etc.) refers to this game as "soccer" to differentiate it from their indigenous football games, although ethnocentric and culturally insular English people insist that "football" is the only acceptable term for the sport.
Although most English-speaking people from different cultures who live on multiple continents know "football" as a game that involves picking a ball up and running with it, English people themselves know that nothing short of literal translation will do when naming sports. If it's called "football", then it should be a sport where only feet are used. Except for the countless times in soccer games when the players use their heads, chests, knees, shoulders, and sometimes even their hands, of course.
by Hubert Cumberdale Jr. October 3, 2012
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Footballing is a sexual activity. It involves the male putting his foot (or feet) into his partner's pussy or shit chute. The female may put her foot in the male's shit chute. With a lot of lubricant, an experienced "footser" can insert his or her foot into a body cavity well above the ankle.
Let's do some footballing.
by jeekyfly June 13, 2013
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Football is the real name of "soccer." It is all about passion and team work, 1 player doesn't win the world cup, but all 11 players. For some people, football is not a game, it is life, it is filled with ups and downs like other sports but it should not be put next to American Football. American Football has 1 season every year and then stop, but Football is widely play, after a season players get called up to play for there national teams, including during the season, that makes it more difficult that's why you need endurance and ability.
by Zachlo June 10, 2008
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A group of grown men kicking an inflated ball of connected fabric scraps.
Oi man, my favourite football team are playing tonight!!”
“… do I care?”
by The waffy monster April 5, 2022
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*Not to be confused with American Football.
Football, often called 'The Beautiful Game', is invented by the English and is the most popular sport worldwide. The general objective of the game is to score more goals in their goal than the other team. It has two teams, each with eleven players separated into 4 positions:





It comprises of two goals on either side of the pitch, with each team owning their own half. The goal that they want to shoot in is on the opposite side to their half.
Each team starts on one side of the pitch, which changes in the second half, and consequently so does the goal they want to shoot in.The game lasts for about 90 minutes (not including extra time) split into two 45 minute halfs, separated by a 10-15 minute 'half time' period.
American: Hey, d'ya wanna play some soccer?

English: What, you mean Football?

American: No, it's called soccer.

English: NO, it's called Football! We invented it!

American: IT'S SOCCER!

Rest of World: It's called Football, OK? Now just play!
by eden1023 June 10, 2011
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Nickname for the president's briefcase that houses a laptop that is rumored to have strategic command capability.

Believed to be in the charge of the federal courier service and not the secret service.
by Seriphimarchangel November 20, 2008
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