An affliction that prevents all I.T. personnel and most desk jockeys from even looking at a computer monitor after work hours.
"Hey, I would love to come over and help you configure your home network tonight but I have Carpal Tunnel Vision and need to rest the orbs for tomorrows demands, sorry."
by myykuul January 7, 2010
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A syndrome where the thumbs can't be used to text on a smartphone due to over texting.

Unlike carpal tunnel, where the problems occur due to a median nerve in the wrist, Carpal Thumbel is due to a nerve pinching in the hand.
"Kara, why can't you type a text?"

"I can't move my thumbs! I have tingling, numbness, weakness, and pain in my thumbs! Could it be Carpal Tunnel!?"

"No. What you suffer from is Carpal Thumbel Syndrome."
by spaztic_nerd May 21, 2013
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This is what can happen when love goes on for too long. The relationship becomes strained, and painful. Coined by popular band Fall Out Boy.
Listen hon, we've been married for 45 years.


and maintaining this relationship has become difficult. we are heading through the carpal tunnel of love.
by dacalpha March 8, 2009
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The pain that occurs in your wrists after too much texting or emailing on your phone.

Basically carpal tunnel syndrome that is caused by excessive phone typing.
My wrists are aching. I gotta stop writing long emails on my Blackberry. It's giving me carpal texter syndrome.
by freezon January 1, 2011
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A neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by physical tics. These tics travel from the brain down through the carpal cannal causing the subject to experience uncontrolled urges to type mostly incoherent babble and useless drivel. When one finds themselves on social media sites carrying on senselessly, typing a lot but saying mostly nothing, this is known as carpal tourette syndrome (CTS).

It's basically a get out of jail free card for those times when you've typed something that you regret and can't delete it.
I blame my carpal tourette syndrome for last night's facebook rant.

I didn't mean to be so mean when I texted you, it's my carpal tourettes flaring up again.

No I'm not a racist, I have carpal tourette syndrome!
by Bartimus Maximus November 2, 2013
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is a wrist and/or arm injury caused by making love to oneself
It's Valentine's day...there will be surge of carpal tunnel syndrome cases.
by Mr.Guy_Boyman December 12, 2014
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n. A condition very like carpal tunnel syndrome, occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist due to too many hours of obsessive Guitar Hero play.
Honey, I'd love to vacuum our living room, but I have carpal hero syndrome from sneaking out of bed at 3am to practice Guitar Hero. Sorry.
by miellyn July 24, 2007
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