When you sacrifice something to create a meme.
Bob: Yo, what happened to Randy?
Alex: He smashed his balls with a hammer to make us laugh.
Bob: That's rough, he really took one for the meme.
by Kjose December 29, 2021
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Man who takes a girls virginity with a small penis and doesn't pop her cherry.
by Jay PoseyDatDude13 March 25, 2016
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to take a shit is not to physically take someones shit; but rather a metaphorical statement used after pooping.
"bro i just took a shit"
by liquified11 April 16, 2023
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Something people say when they say something they regret, and use this as a means to play it off as to not take the blame for what they said, usually unsuccessfully
Person 1: “Hey I’ve really liked l you for a few years, do you like me?”

Person 2: “Sorry I’m just not interested

Person 1: “ Sorry My Friend Took My Phone and sent that, I didn’t mean that, it wasn’t me
by Kaney Wets January 7, 2022
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Basically accepting the negative with the positive - it doesn't take a fucken genius to figure that one out.
wasn't all negative - took the good with the bad.
by Black_Water_ April 2, 2018
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A euphemism for proposing to your significant other.

A common saying among Vikings during their time period. When Vikings proposed to their significant others, they'd usually get down on one knee (similar to the tradition today) and do so. Then they'd settle down and maybe stop pillaging as much.

Since actually being shot in the knee with a real arrow would have a more-or-less similar effect, the phrase "Took an arrow to the knee," became a saying for proposal.

That's why the guards in the game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim say it so often; the game is heavily influenced by Viking culture, and most of the guards are probably married.
-Guard: I used to be an adventurer like you. But then I took an arrow to the knee.
-Dragonborn: Is she hot?
-Guard:...Fuck off.
by MadMark255 February 17, 2021
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