12 pence, or 3 groats, or 2 groats 2 pence and four farthings, or maybe even 4 thruppence, or 1/5 crown.... or was it 2 tuppence, a groat and 16 half-pence. I could also be 1/10 crown and tanner. But then again you could just say it was a bob.
Yes, and here's your change, 3 pounds 6 shillings 20 and 4 pence.
by Aurther Two-Sheds Jackson September 5, 2003
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A person whose integrity is based only within the context of a single transaction.
The shill sold me a line about his brand of mullet conditioner, but his pitch had the sound of an ulterior motive. It turned out that he had been recruiting for the Mullet Party, and the conditioner was just a bottle of liquid dish soap.
by Sporkmeister March 10, 2010
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Kenneth C. Griffin
Chief Executive Officer of Citadel LLC
Man that guys such a pos isn't he? I bet he cleans Republicans asshole with his face.

Yeah, he's totally a government shill donating millions to them so he can hide his corruption and market manipulation while laughing at poors from his big mirror dildo of a building
by Wen Lambo August 17, 2021
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Meaning Pill in the street jargon. Mostly used as a substitute for Oxy and other opioids when they are sold illegally. Can also mean fake pill or pills with lightened main material.
Got some new shills, cheaper than the previous stuff before.
by Aernath February 23, 2019
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What conspiracy theorists like to call people who don't believe in their wacky conspiracy theories because they're a part of the ignorant masses and who ignore the so called 'evidence' of their theories.
The conspiracy theorists called Bob a 'shill' because he didn't believe their theory that a purple elephant flew into the Pentagon on 9/11.
by Castun July 26, 2008
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Someone that likes something I don't mostly involving video games. Obviously because I don't like it the other person, usually a stream, must be trying to have relations with the developer, usually of the oral persuasion. Usually used by tiny brained lemmings parroting something they heard someone else say.
Bobby is a shill because that game sucks he wants to suck off the devs
by JayShockblast December 19, 2021
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The chills a person gets as a result of having to take a terribly bad shit.
After I ate Taco Bell my stomach was such a mess that I got the shills in class and had to leave.
by FreshyP June 15, 2011
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