Some awkward idiot who does and thinks things with a sexual nature. Also known as someone you don't really want to meet and/or have a conversation with. Abbreviated form of pervert.
some idiot: she is hot. (insert odd thought here)

what you should think of them: perv!
by Miki199717 June 4, 2010
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to look at something/someone, to use something, to hold something,to eat something,to do anything! makes you a that something perv
looking down from your balcony=balcony perv!! eating a pizza=pizza perv!! putting on makeup=makeup perv....not generally a pervert, but these kinds of specimins are called perverted pervs, or king perv!!
by charleytheperv August 14, 2006
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michael harley is a perv that pervs over his little sister n licks her mum out... hes a prick!!!!
fat cunt perv hu died of aids or i hope he will anyways ... hello beau i see u lookin at dis....
by dick eater June 12, 2005
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awkwardly straddling the line between being flirty and being creepy
she was really perving it to him last night.

being just flirty enough to make someone comfortable, and then whipping out a little creep to keep them on their toes. if they're a perv too, it'll work out. if not, it was never meant to be.
by jessie martinson June 25, 2005
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drunk and high at the same time
I was tryin to get perved last nite
by Lizzie Marie September 1, 2003
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