expression used exclusively in chatrooms, e-mail and other forms of electronic communication to denote a lack of interest, a difference of opinion, or to deem something most bogus. Also see fuck off
"U r such a poser!"

"Byte me, u loser"
by Witchie-coo November 6, 2002
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an african-american/black-american computer geek/techie, technical wizard, who's life revolves around the computer.
I know Jamal can fix your computer, he's a nigga byte.
by anonymous2009 September 15, 2006
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The amount of pr0n stored on ones computer (in Gb.)
Tom: "I reckon I've got 70 gigidy-bytes of good stuff at home"
Matt: "That's nothing! I've got nearly a tara-byte!"
by wessexbob December 6, 2013
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A direct request for concise information.
'byte me' = send me the truth or send me precise information - via underpressure post
by November 24, 2020
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Someone who primarily uses the cut & paste function to distort a comment and/or edit the comment to manipulate the outcome.

Original comment:

But his brief chapter, "Toward Selective Confrontation With Germany," points out how worried were FDR, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of State Hull, and others, not with German treatment of the Jews, but rather with Nazi economic policies, both internal and in the realm of foreign trade

cut byte:

FDR, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of State Hull, and others.....with German treatment...both internal and in the realm of foreign trade

by Blackhorse27 March 22, 2009
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The virtual food for people/geeks/nerds who just can't leave their computers/Internet/ long enough to take a break to eat real time food.
No thanks, I'm not hungry for dinner dear, I just had my server bring me a disk overflowing with with I-Bytes. YUM!
by shelovestosail September 25, 2009
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The Web page version of sound bites used on TV news.
I just need a sight byte explaining your role in the company for our Web page. Don't send your whole job description.
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