Shortened form of leftover drunk. The feeling in the morning after a night of heavy drinking where you're not hung over because you're still somewhat drunk.
James was acting a little weird the morning after that party--I think he was still a little leftover.
by Vitamin Y October 23, 2005
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1. Food that goes in the fridge (often in tupperware containers) but is rarely eaten afterward and ends up in the garbage anyway.

2. Food that remains between your teeth that is consumed long after the meal in which it originated.

3. Residual feces usually found between the buttocks. Also known as ass cheese.
1. "I don't feel like eating those leftovers right now. Maybe I'll eat them tomorrow."

2. "Aw, I just found leftovers from this morning's breakfast!"

3. person #1: hahaha, I just found some leftovers when I itched my ass.
person #2: Dude. Learn to shower properly. That's nasty.
by Lileth January 14, 2009
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an ex army who cant keep bts out their mouths and will do anything to discredit them. most bg fandoms consist of leftovers
person 1: fuck bts!
person 2: ur a leftover...
by reginakoo March 1, 2022
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A devoted beta to society who’s desired only by other people who aren’t desired in society, therefore the leftovers nobody cares for
@thetanimal7 is an absolute leftover crying over his ugly broad who cheats on him constantly
by SuhkMiDaddi March 25, 2020
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another name for the ex-armys (of the BTS fandom) that were once a fan but now do not support them/hate on them and their fandom
commonly used around twitter
here comes another leftover.

leftovers are the worst.
by pkoafwtpstb March 4, 2022
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After the NBA Finals in 2017, it was clear that the Cavs were nothing more than Golden State's leftovers.
by dickey6969 June 14, 2017
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When you wake up and you're still high from the effects of marijuana.
I ate an edible before I went to sleep; and when I woke up, I was leftOver.
by Randan69 April 28, 2019
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