1 - Refers to a dollar amount of one hundred dollars.
I got two front row tickets, a hunge each.
by Brian Martinez October 27, 2006
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To have a penis so long, that when flaccid it appears to be 'hanging' loose from the body, with the tip past the balls.

Contrary to definition #8, this is not race-modified, the only criteria being that the penis is long enough to 'hang'.

Also not precisely the same has having a 'huge' penis, as it is possible to be 'hung' yet have a narrow penis. This is seen most often in African-American males.
Tyrone was hung but pencil-dicked, Tonya found out much to her suprise.
Brad was so hung he had to tuck his dick under when he wore shorts.
by Anonymous Thomas January 5, 2006
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1.) My last name
2.) To have large genitals
3.) Past tense of hang
Anthony: Its Paul Hung!
Matt: He's hung like a horse of course

Hello I am Hung.
by P huNgy May 13, 2004
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A term originating in University Park at Pennstate, 2007. It is a shortened version of the word, "hungry," but used in context, it describes being hungry for either the female or male genitalia. It is often used towards those who haven't gotten "any" in a while or are addicted to getting some all the time.
AJ hasn't seen his girlfriend in forever, he must be really hungs.

Maria is with a new guy every night, she is so hungs.

(After being caught licking a taco whilst envisioning a woman and displaying clear affection for the mexican cuisine)
Alex: Umm hey Ronald, you hungs?
Ron: Yeah man I am
by Mary-Jane Cannibis July 22, 2008
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To wake up in the morning feeling hungover and hungry at the same time
Ahh Bobby that was a good night out, I'm so hungs this morning
by ArthurVajazzle November 7, 2014
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A shortening of the word "hungry" used to express one's desire for food. Alternatively, could be used to mean "hungover" in the morning when you are too tired to utter the last two syllables.
"Dude, lets go to Panchies before we head out and grab a burrito. I'm totally hungs.
by Cr8on Paul October 12, 2013
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