Google's fourth attempt at a social media website. It was officially supposed to be an extension of Google Business (the "+" meaning extended) and colleagues of a business would use Google+ as a social media to keep contact with each other. Then, when teenagers realized that adults didn't know about Google+, they began to post on Google+ to hide things from their parents.
When you finish being an angel on Facebook and start trolling on Google+
by sonic12576 February 14, 2018
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... is the social networking site created by Google in 2011. It quickly reached over 10 million users in under 2 weeks becoming the fastest growing social networking site to date. It is popular for it's "circles" theme, which users credit as being a much more intuitive way of assigning different levels of permission to the different people you associate with. It is also praised for it's support of video chat with multiple users (up to 10) at one time. A first for social networking sites since it is not currently supported by Facebook and even the popular video chat service Skype makes you pay for the ability to video chat with more than one person at a time. Google+ is also boasting over 1billion posts a day despite being only 2 weeks old.
me: Are you on Google+?
my friend: Do you even have to ask?
me: Uh... yeah... kinda. You don't have to be a dick about it. You could just answer the question.
my friend: Yeah, I'm on.
me: You know, I guess I could have just searched for your name. Know what? You were right, I didn't have to ask. My bad.
my friend: No problem.
me: You know what? I'm not going to add you anyway because you are kind of a dick.
by JGuy The Great! July 16, 2011
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Social network beta that college kids perceive as hip and underground because of an air of exclusivity they impose on it in order to be hip and underground themselves. In actuality, Google+ is stale as of now and anyone can get an invite to the beta. It is the dull whiteness of its unpolished pages, its untried newness, and its inferiority to Facebook that summon and unite these easily aroused college students who would readily create a facade and live by it so long as it means they can root for some uprising small company piece of shit underdog self-projection in order to "make a difference," proving that they are individual snowflakes while forgetting that all snowflakes melt and that they are not yet true adults. Ironically, google is a public, mainstream corporation that should, according to collegekidphilosophy, be spat on for branching out, which is obviously a corrupt practice since it increases the income of the company -- Heavens forbid anyone makes a profit except for college kids who think they can graduate and make 80k out of college, overcoming debt with their fancy GPAs. The fact that when college students go to they are forced to create a page on this social network, and, furthermore, that their pages are connected to, eludes them as an instrument of deceit and oppression because they are all too busy smoking the Marijuana, listening to the dumbstep, discovering the Gräfenberg Spot, and making spreadsheets on Microsoft excel.
Used in a sentence: When Google+ is out of beta and is actually better than Facebook, which has to rely on third party Skype for its shitty video chat, the college kids will complain that it is too mainstream because it will actually be useful.

In conversation:

Ignorant college kid 1: I joined Google+ and deactivated my Facebook account, stick it to the Man! Facebook has no search engine!

Ignorant college kid 2: Zuckerberg is a sellout, he needs to stop adding new features to facebook. I hate public corporations with over 20,000 employees.
by zsylz July 11, 2011
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A social network that was once heavily criticized by everyone back in late 2013 due to the YouTube-G+ integration. But now looking back, the change wasn't really that bad for me. I came to like using the G+ app to manage my YouTube comment inbox.

In fact, from a sole usability standpoint, the G+ era of YT made it far more easier to manage and respond to replies than YouTube's current notification system. Not only that, but G+ allowed you to mute individual YT comment threads, which is something you can't do anymore; it's either mute all comment thread notifs or nothing. But perhaps one of the biggest perks of the YT-G+ integration was the ability to DISABLE replies on your YT comment and also DELETE replies. Yes that's right, as the OP of a comment thread you actually had the power to delete replies. While this could be abused, usually it wasn't and was very useful for ridding hateful, off-topic or spam replies.

But then in late-2017, following YT's redesign, you could no longer use G+ to manage youtube comment threads and thus all those perks were gone. A new notif system was implemented and it sucked so bad. Initially you couldn't even reply to someone within the notification pop-out (you can now tho).

And finally in April 2019, Google+ itself shut down. While I barely used the app for what it was, I do miss those times when I received YT notifs through G+, particularly during 2014/2015.

As the saying goes: you don't recognize what was precious to you until it is gone.
RIP Google+ (2011-2019)
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 15, 2022
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It was Myspace and others and then it became Facebook. We moved our photos and shit. I already feel it is enough. How about just freaking staying on Facebook now!
I don't wanna become friends with people who already became my friends twice. Just ignore Google+
by BilliV Bdmblgn August 2, 2011
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This literaly refers to the act of going to and searching g-o-o-g-l-e.

However, this is actually a very dangerous act. Googling google is like playing Russian Roulete, crossing the streams (Ghostbusters), or a hole in the space-tme continuoum (Back To The Future). What ever you do, do not google 'google' if you wish to stay safe.

It is BAD
Please, let me drive you home... you have had too much to drink... you don't want to be googling google on a night like this.
by Twartacus June 12, 2006
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verb; the act of searching google in google because you forgot what browser you were on; when a stupid person types in and searches google in google over fifty times
by kirito96 March 24, 2019
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