The collective noun for a group of douchebags, referring to their habit of turning up the collar and/or cuffs on whatever shirt they are wearing, regardless of how ridiculous it looks.
Wow, this place is crowded. I had to squeeze through a collar to get to the bar and now my shirt is covered in their spray tan.
by fatninjakid October 6, 2010
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when a negged woman grabs the man by the collar and threatens physical harm.
After her negged her, she started collaring him.
by colllared March 18, 2018
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a homie; just an ordinary person, not pertaining to any one race.
"What up, collare!?" Casey said.
"Nuttin much. What crackin with you?" He replied.
by Casey July 7, 2004
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When a cop makes a proactive arrest minutes before his shift is over so that the paperwork and booking procedures allow for a couple hours of overtime for that officer.
Tom has to be in debt nowadays, look at that collars for dollars pinch he just brought in.
by mister delicious May 28, 2007
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Blatantly lying to others in front of the accused, about an action you know you committed, but have placed the blame on another.
I used a spool of cable wire as a leash for my friend's dog and ever since have blatantly denied it and blamed the dog's owner. He's tried to explain the truth ever since, in vain. Dog-collaring him has become a regular occurrence when we are together.
by Rwey February 13, 2009
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1) Pertaining to hipster subculture. Derived from previous uses of "collar" to describe class: blue-collar, white-collar, green-collar. Conotes the, perhaps, more mature subsection thereof.

2) Used to describe a class of professionals (after the fashion of white-collar, and blue-collar) who work in fields associated with information, creativity, social-media, etc.

3) Liberal arts majors who manage to get a job where they only wear ties if they feel like it, and with the top button undone.
Hipster 1, "Winston just got a job at the Huffpo as a social-media coordinator."
Hipster 2, "Totally, kewl, joining that plaid-collar workforce."

"Dude, I forgot my rooibos tea, at the new lunch-time yoga, I'm totally a plaid-collar worker."
by Pseudophor January 7, 2013
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