Something you want to drink after watching 12 year old boys singing on youtube about finding girlfriends.
Have you seen Jacobs new video it made me grab the bleach!
by IAmNotFromNorthKorea174 August 7, 2016
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It beats Naruto by a long shot, you know there was no way I was gonna let some punk get away with disgracing the good name of Bleach...
Bleach is a great anime that sets itself apart from certain other shows with originality and supernatural phonemena and great Artwork!
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The first album realeased by Nirvana. It was recorded for around $600 for the relatively new record label Sub Pop. All in all, it only ended up selling 35,000 copies, and those mostly around their native Seattle. Some diehard nirvana fans claim it is their best abum, others say that it shows promise but is not that great. Also, it is their only album before Dave Grohl became the bands drummer.
It has a much more raw sound than Nevermind, and overall is more true to the spirit of grunge.
Some good tracks off of Bleach are Love Buzz, School, Negative Creep, Blew, and Sifting.
by Rush8192 September 25, 2005
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Kurosaki Ichigo is a 15 year old boy that has an ability to see ghosts/spirits. Because of his ability, he is able to meet a female death god (aka Shinigami) named Kuchiki Rukia. To save his family and friends from unwanted soul-eating spirits (Hollows), Rukia transfers her Shinigami powers to Ichigo. As Rukia takes on a human shell, together they solve mysteries involving spirits and hollows until from the spirit world comes 2 other shinigamis explaining that it is illegal to transfer Shinigami powers to humans and Rukia exceeded the time limit to stay in the human world. After they sentence her death for breaking the laws, Ichigo snaps and swears to everyone he will retrieve Rukia by breaking into the spirit world.
Guy 1: Dude Bleach is the shit!
Guy 2: Fa sho. Kenpachi Zaraki is a beast.
by ♫ Highway to Hell ♫ August 4, 2010
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Detergent, as well as an Anime about a teenager named Kurosaki Ichigo. You can read the people that will soon be below me's description. :p To add on to this, I would like to say that he obtained his Shinigami (Death God) powers naturally (that is, after he lost them). It is found out in the Anime (not manga) that his father is a Shinigami, so Ichigo is a true Shinigami, not a representative. Since the fillers are over, the main story is back.

Ichigo will now try to defeat hollows and discover his hidden power, him being a "Vaizard", one that is half hollow, half Shinigami. Ichigo calls it an "organization", but it's really what he is. As he tried obtaining his lost powers borrowed from his friend Rukia, he nearly became a hollow. Thus, he's a vaizard. Vaizard's are very powerful.
Ishida: Kurosaki, do you use Bleach on your clothes?
Ichigo: No, I don't wash my clothes...they're a waste of time..
Ishida: -_-
by GABEMSTR January 25, 2007
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It's simply the solution to all problems.
People drinks alcohol to forget about problems. If you want a permanent solution to all your problems, all you have to do is take a cup of bleach and it will all go away painless.
It is the cure everyone has been looking for.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
A cup of bleach a day keeps all the problems away.
by Ignore_My_Name June 12, 2017
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It cures Many many thing including living
Mom I’ll be back I’m going to drink the bleach.”
by Jesus is watching you sleep August 5, 2020
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