Means faeces, jobby, poo,shit,crap. Used throughout Scotland.
I desperately need a tolly.

I am going to do a tolly in your shoes if you dont shut up!
by legendryO516 December 31, 2011
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A beautiful girl who is intelligent and creative. She’s talented at singing and running and photography. She doesn’t really like teachers, or school for that matter. She can’t stand annoying people but she’s not racist and she loves bagels. She loves God and it’s quite obvious. She is definitely one of those girls that everybody stares at when they walk in the room and she’s definitely a certain short and unfortunately white girl’s best friend.
I swear Tolli, it’s not funny that I hurt my sesamoid!
by Eittah March 21, 2018
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South African slang word for penis.
Baby you look so lekker, my tollie is getting stiff!

Yes, it's true...Ashwin has a small tollie.
by unknown -_- July 7, 2015
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1) To stick your sleeve in gasoline and inhale deeply. 2) To party your ass off.
Phris Chillups: "You gonna get your tolly on tonight at the party?"

Broseph: "Hell yea man! I'm ready to get wrecked!"
by Drobitussen June 7, 2020
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A person who live in Tolladine, Worcester, England. The girls wear their hair in a high pony tail right on the top of their heads. They will probably have a kid by the time they are 15 or have been pregnant. They walk around wiv their tracksuit blue addidas trousers, BIG gold earrings could be worn as a bracelet. and they will no doubtedly have a fag in their gob. The males will walk round like they have shit themselves, thinking they look big and hard but infact its really funny. They will walk round in gangs and hang around in the Bus station in Worcester. They don't have and education and don't go to school, they get out of bed about 12 and hang round town until 6, causing havoc.
Yam awwrigh
Shut th fuck up
by anonymous March 22, 2004
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When you attract a member of the opposite sex as a partner, who is clearly of a much higher standard. Similar to punching above your weight or batting above your average.
''His girlfriend is so much fitter than''.
''Yeah, pulled a tolly hasnt he!!''
by msbants23 February 4, 2013
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Similar to a 'Dingleberry', but perhaps smaller
You can't go swimming like that, you still have a tolly hanging off your ass!
by G Smith December 30, 2005
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