"This is true" is a term used by buddy's who are agreeing with what someone has just said.
Dude #1 "Man that dank we smoked last night was da bomb, yo!"

Dude #2 "This is true!"
by cuby August 8, 2007
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A confirming response, short for 'that is true". Also, a white man's version of 'true dat'.
'Yo, is that babe fine or what?'
'True that!'
by Nima February 11, 2004
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A way to agree with someone or say you're right.
Joe: man i'm broke as a joke
Tim: yea but you're getting paid next week
Joe: true
by ayodele May 19, 2007
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1. Used after something said, to show agreeance.
2. ghetto talk for "ditto"
3."I agree"
1a." man, that show last night was the bomb"
2a."true that"
by Albert February 10, 2004
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1. agreeing with a statement
2. showing interest in something
3. being fine with something
"dude you are a fatass"

"yeaa im about to go out to McDonalds or somethin
"ohh truue?"

"so, are you friends with that new kid?"
"yeaa he's pretty tight"
by JL Obrie February 13, 2008
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A word that can be used in most contexts, when used to reply to a statement or question, that usually means the person using it is not actually listening.
1. Person 1: <tells a 20 minute story that is majorly uninteresting>
Person 2: "True"
by mrpain September 4, 2008
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Asks the question, "Is that true?" without "Is that". Synonym: Really?, Are you serious?, etc.
Pa: Paul Blart: Mall Cop was the number one movie in the box office this weekend.
Brijit: True?
Pa: Yeah, I'm as surprised as you are.
by Sherman8or January 29, 2009
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