AKA Carl Benjamin is an English Youtuber, political commentator and former political candidate/milkshake target.

Formerly an aspiring edgelord, he has since stopped using really naughty words, shedded and shredded his nerd weight and read lots of articles and books to become a based chad, though he has retained his neckbeard. Currently he runs the LotusEaters podcast. He has used his knowledge of basic reasoning and common sense to shit on: Anita Sarkeesian, Jess Phillips, Akilah Hughes, intersectionality, critical race theory, Islamic fundamentalism and wokeism, to name but a few.

I bet they wish they had just let him play video games now.

For the old ruler of the Akkadian Empire, try a proper source.
Ha ha ha, look what they've done, it's the motherfuckin' Sargon of Akkad.
by Yorkshire Pirate January 22, 2022
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one of the most famous rulers of Iraq, who conquered the entire region and surrounding areas and made everyone his bitch and the entire region of Mesopotamia was at peace. His name means "the True King" in Akkadian
All hail king Sargon of Akkad - ܨܐܪܓܘܢ
by Assyrian guy December 1, 2009
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Also known as SDS.
The delusion that you are relevant enough to be compared to a prominent figure in society, enough to have a syndrome named after you (i.e. Trump Derangement Syndrome). Symptoms include but are not limited to: an increased sense of self-superiority, poorly-thought-out arguments, poorly-thought-out accusations of pedophilia, latching onto popular trends to make money, and chronic smug chuckling. Named for popular alt-lite Youtuber Sargon of Akkad.
Dude 1: Those SJWs have SDS
Dude 2: lol what
Dude 1: Sargon Derangement Syndrome.
Dude 2: nigga that's not a thing
Dude 1: Yeah it is, the Feminazis are defying logic to get Sargon banned from the internet.
Dude 2: isn't that what they do that anyway
Dude 1: Yeah, but they're targeting Sargon.
Dude 2: lmao, the only person who's deranged is the faggot who thinks he's anything like trump because he bought his way into UKIP
Dude 1: Whatever, you're just an alt-right nazi.
Dude 2: lol, kill urself
by Thotbliterator February 11, 2019
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Noun. An incredibly harsh joke, in which the unabashed aim is to completely annihilate the target, regardless of the consequences.
At first Jimmy thought the joking was all in good fun just, but only came to understand that it was sargonic humor after her friend explained the viscious reality of the subtext.
by Bren-Gun January 31, 2021
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Sargon is a small island in the carribean. It's inhabitants, Sargonites, consume nuts on a daily basis. They speak Suggon and like to liggondeese, which is their preferred sport.
Hey, do you know the Sargonites?

Yeah they like to SARGON DEEZ
by December 2, 2022
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