spicy sexy girl, you’ll only find one in your whole life, she will drown you in her phat ass so be careful when dealing with her, always has that snail pussy ready too
just found a wild rory, can’t wait to smash tf out of her!
by omarbigmassivecock January 4, 2021
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the ugliest shortest meanest bastard there ever will be
"Girl, don't go with him, he's a rory!"
by ashley carey March 26, 2008
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A tall, lankey, creepy greaser who lives in his parents dark basement which is only seen when he comes out to eat. He spends his time drawing his own varyations of pokemon and digimon characters for fun while listening to japanese techno music.

His favorite and most effective move in a fight is the running headbut, which still is not very effective.
Hey Rory what are you drawing?

Im drawing my own version of bacumon holding the super destiny sabor sword.

Dont you have any better things to?

I hate you, let the rivers run red with your blood!!!
by big head frank May 11, 2010
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A rory is to be wound up by any little thing and to also be a sheep, will follow anyone just to be frends with them.
Andy: Rory your such a gooba,
Chris: Rory if your ill you really shouldnt go.
Rory: Im gonna hit you in a minute, now im going to the gym with the lads to get "TONK"
by Big Willy 12346890 September 25, 2009
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rory is someone who will easily ride anything that looks remotely like a female, shops at the cheapest shops but struts around like its louis voitonn, an ridicoulsly annoyin wannabe who weirdly shakes hand s with anyone he meets ,, some may call it cringe .. i prefer to call it rory
by man with no face May 6, 2009
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"John had a gigantic rory for Peter when he saw him in the shower."
by FranBalls February 18, 2008
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