Acronym for Outdated Farm Equiqment aka niggers
Very good for being discretely racist.
Pronounced like ofie, not oaf.

Justin: What the fuck for? So you can pick fruit while you drive? You fucking OFE.

Lebron: HUH?

Justin: Exactly.
by Osorio February 23, 2008
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Action taken by a mafia boss against certain individuals that have fallen out of favor with the organization.
Upon learning that an associate had misappropriated funds belonging the organization, the Don had to make the difficult decision of ordering the offing of the misguided associate.
by RunningMama_26 January 11, 2016
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(adj.) the act of being incredibly badass and hilarious
"Holy shit man, that was so fucking OFE"
by Dr. Blade McFiftycal March 22, 2009
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ofe, noun,
the experience of eating a meal so tasty that you feel like you have had an orgasm
after eating the burrito, maria exclaimed, "i had an ofe!"
by sneaky muffin March 1, 2005
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O.wn F.ucking S.chedule
Term for a person who shows up to things whenever they want and anyone who wants to see them must be inconvenienced by them.
Guy 1: I need my uniform, where's the dude who takes care of that?

Guy 2: He's on OFS, you just missed him. Try again tomorrow.
by slayer1911 September 24, 2013
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acronym for oh fuck sex. when a person is damn excited. hehe.
Guy 1: Hey, i got the rock concert tickets
Guy 2: OFS!!!! this is the best damn thing thats happened in the whole day!!.
by Rash_dreamer August 31, 2007
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