The drink that inspired the Irish rebellion of 1916. Although that got rid of the English, they've been since coming back to drink it. Turns your shit black! Can also rip the hole of ya on the way out, and may dissolve your bowels! But it's worth it....honest!
Jaysus! I've just shit a black baby elephant after that Guinness last night.
by John David Dickenson January 13, 2004
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"His time in the 100 yard dash has just put him in the Guinness Book of World Records, as the fastest human"
by T Mack March 26, 2005
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similar to the word cool or tight or sweet, except slightly better than that.
it should have a Guinness record for bein the coolest person/thing/place etc. in the world.
"That Bullet concert was guinness!"
"OMG, that was the most guinness Canada Day ever! FUCKIN EH!!"
by Chris Scholten February 8, 2007
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The beverage which God bestowed upon the Irish because he didn't want them to rule the world. The greatest drink on earth.
After the rugby match, me and my 'mates drank some Guinness and got some pussy.
by rugbystud114 December 16, 2003
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A dark stout beer of Irish origin. It drinks like a meal, thick and consistent.
Another round of Guinness for my brothers!
by Denis Baldwin February 3, 2004
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A very heavy beer with a distintive black colouring and white head -often decorated with a shamrock (or love heart if the bar person wants to jump your bones). An aquired taste that reqires a little getting used to but once hooked is immensley pleasurable.

"You where wonderful last night but you stink of guinness"

"You where wonderfull aswell, wheres your toilet i need a massive black shit"
by glackin October 21, 2007
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