Phil: Yo can you do a kick flip
John: Yeah i can do it no dust

John: Hey can you get my phone
Phil: yeah no dust
by El perro Grande blanco September 3, 2020
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That school lunch is so dust.

You have no bitches, your fuckin dust.
by Benchsitters December 14, 2018
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Mate your bmw isnt ad fast as you think, you just got dusted by that old nissan.
by legendgary June 7, 2012
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to be under the influence of PCP.."dusted" refers to angeldust, slang for PCP
"I was so fucking dusted I couldn't feel my legs!"
by farceofnature March 10, 2005
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The action of completely owning or horribly beating someone. Also can be used as a substitute to bust a cap in yo ass. To shoot someone exessively or to an extreme degree
Watch out bitch or i'll dust yo ass!
You just got dusted bitch
by Dominic Casar September 11, 2007
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