God, your special friend is so zab.

by Hannah&Bee April 12, 2007
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The guy has a big zab.
by uttam maharjan September 14, 2012
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it means a DICK and it's used like shit or fuck in english as well
by Yousselt April 14, 2019
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A super cool person who usually has beautiful blue eyes and pretty hair. They are good at art and never fail to make the people around them laugh.
"Have you seen that super swaggy person?"
"Must be Zab!"
by eclout126 March 21, 2021
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(1) How are you?
(2) a greeting; hello.

The phrase "How are you" has evolved into "How is it going," "How's it going," "What is up" (with an optional "homie g" at the end), "What's up," and "sup." "Sup" has become a general greeting, much like "hi" or "hello." Because "sup" produces the undesirable "s" and "p" sounds, the better way of saying "How are you" is "zab."
Person 1: hi
Person 2: zab, yo
Person 1: nm. i had an amazing day today.
by elsutton August 6, 2007
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To change most of the lyrics of a song to the words "zib zab", or any variation thereof.
Ryan: "Oh listen! Nick Drake's "From the Morning" song is on the radio! I love this song!"

Josh: "Zib zab zib zabble zub zibby zabble an it wa butiful."
by Jiyosh March 30, 2011
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