When an uncircumsised man, whilst urinating, pinches his foreskin closed, thereby inflating his touque like a balloon (but with urine rather that air)
My girlfriend won't give me head since she caught me ballooning in the bathroom.
by Don't worry about it1 July 18, 2006
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A person who blows (sucks, licks), could be used for anything like a person who blows on a lollipop or even more exotic.
Lafawnduh is such a ballooner, she'll practicality blow you for free.
by Chad and Zak March 21, 2011
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A fool; a person who has just made a pretty obvious mistake
PhD student 1: I forgot to correct for path length in these absorbance measurements.
PhD Student 2: You total balloon

PhD student: I left my cash card in Centra last week and only found out today
Supervisor: <Says nothing and draws a picture of a balloon on a piece of paper>
by UrbanBiochemist October 31, 2011
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A airhead, A stupid person who floats/follows people around on a "string" like a bitch
by goatbanger November 9, 2017
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man im out of dope i need to go to the balloon
by afroman April 17, 2002
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slang for condom; slang for protection during sex.
I gotta get a balloon on before my girl gets outta the bathroom.
by The Evster July 13, 2006
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The girl was flat-chested before; now she looked like
she had put great big balloons under shirt... that is...
until she took off that shirt! WOW!!
by CDSmith1967 October 14, 2005
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