A social media that ran for almost the entire 2010s (June 28, 2011 - April 2, 2019).

Google+ was a site meant for business, but that was changed when it became dominated by teens & young adults alike. It's more early reputation was being a site that "fucked over" YouTube and failed at trying to compete with Facebook.
Its activity soon reached its peak around 2015. Fandoms (most notably the FNAF fandom) and meme communities frolicked about.

However, 2016 is when the "G+ purge" began. The site would begin to experience bad glitches. One infamous case was the follower purge where all follower numbers would disappear. Another case was when a pedophile was being mass reported to the point the report function went out of control and got several users banned.
Google+ became notably "dead" around 2017/2018. Google themselves eventually confirmed in October 2018 that the site was going to shut down in August 2019 (then April 2019) due to a data breach. Due to this, the site was ran even more dead due to people migrating to different places such as Twitter, Discord, and the shithole that is MeWe.
Despite its inevitable fate, there were users who held onto the site and refused to go until the very end. These people have been dubbed "Google+ Veterans".

In general, Google+ left behind its own legacy. Seemingly nothing will be able to replace it.

Some terms, groups, or memes that may have originated from this site:
Christan Girl
Jay the Otaku
fnaf rap
"Man, I miss Google+. A crazy ass adventure it was."
by RetroTheOPIndividual March 10, 2020
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Another way for Google to take over the internet by making a social networking site aimed to take over Facebook the way it did to Myspace.
Guy 1: Dude, did you hear about Google+?

Guy 2: Yeah man, it's totally gonna kill Facebook.
by Proepicgangstaswagga July 8, 2011
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A shitty website that faggots use.
Hector: Wanna be in my circle on Google+?
Noah: Nah. I'm not a fag.
by SlutVista February 28, 2014
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It's pretty sweet, actually.

It's Facebook + Twitter + Tumblr. (and maybe a few other things that I haven't figured out yet)

You have a news feed, you can just follow people, and it has a reblog-type thing that makes it easy for pointless and stupid but funny things to sweep the internet faster than they ever have before. You can also +1(like) all kinds of stuff.
(on Facebook) Me: Hey, anybody want a Google+ invite?

87 people like this.

Ok, I'm gonna need all your emails...
by Simian Infernus July 16, 2011
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A social networking site developed by Google that aims to copy every single other social networking site out there. Anyone who actually likes Google+ is the equivalent of that retard in college who still didn't have a phone.
I can't even bring myself to talk about this piece of shit. Google+ is an absolute joke.
by Mr Garbell! May 24, 2016
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Google+ is a social networking and identity service that is owned and operated by Google, and also fucked Youtube's comment system in the ass.
John: Hey dude, did you check out the new Youtube?
Richard: Yeah, Google+ and Youtube mixed, it sucks balls, man.
by The Silly Gentleman April 9, 2014
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A shitty app that desperately tries to become a decent social media website when in reality the only way they've ever earned the amount of users they have is because of how they latch onto YouTube like a leech or else nobody would care about it's existence (and rightfully so). It features:
-Awful platforming and organization.
-Shit people without any form of social life
-The holy grail of horny, roleplaying 10 year olds and up.

We all hope that any active Google+ user never actually reproduces in real life. Or else the future of our planet will be filled with sensitive snobs who have trouble connecting with other human beings who attention seeks at every opportunity they could take.
Joe: Wow! Google+ is an amazing app! I love talking with pathetic nobodies!
John: Please get laid, Joe.
by Croconaww November 16, 2018
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