Demolish Fanzine (or magazine) was an 80's underground Hard Rock/Heavy Metal publication. The 'zine featured extensive demo reviews (hence the "Demo-lish" namesake), concert reviews, interviews with worldwide Metal bands.
Demolish was an 80's Metal fanzine from the Midwest.
by Kinger Dinger July 27, 2010
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Means very drunk usually or it can mean a person is highly affected by narcotics. Generally the implication is so intoxicated that they lose control of their motor abilities, essentially either passing out or sitting in a still stupor.
I'm going to get demolished on Friday night at a keg party.
by james trent February 7, 2007
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1. To fuck someone really hard

2. To devour a meal so fast it leaves a mess, or no food is to be seen

3. To win a fight verbal or physical
1. I wiped out my big cock and demolished that tight ass

2. I was so stoned that I totally demolished that burrito

3. I went to jail, but I definetly demolished that dude!
by ImaBrat January 31, 2010
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look up destroy snd umm do somtin else like get a life u nerd ur girl friend problay wonderin where u are
must destroy school or duck man or town or a building or ummm that kat
by amado February 14, 2005
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Any canine that destroys your place while you are away. The most common casualties of dog the demolisher include window drapes, windowsills, walls, coffee tables and blinds.
Duder 1: "Holy fuck dude what happened to all your shit?"

Duder 2: "My damn border collie chewed the shit out of my drapes and tore some paint off the walls. This shit is going to cost me like $500 bucks to fix."

Duder 1: "Damn, you got yourself dog the demolisher right there dude."
by westfalia January 11, 2010
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When your penis is so huge that it demolishes any vagina in sight
Dam papi you sure demolished my vagina. Your new name is the vagina demolisher!
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A corn demolisher (korn-dee-moll-ish-her) is a lover of corn in every form. Doesn't matter if cold or warm. Born to adorn thy corn. Scorn any who mourn deformed corn. Not to toot his own horn, but he much prefers it to uninformed porn and also uses it to perform horny corny acts.

He will demolish any corn you lay near.... you have been warned.
Bulls: you should get a tramp stamp

Breaker: What would I get as a tramp stamp?

Bulls: corn demolisher

Breaker: wtf is a corn demolished
by yoshimibills March 17, 2017
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