In the kink world it’s used to describe someone who is submissive to another in a romantic relationship and does chores etc for them
James is collared to Brittany. He does her laundry, cooks for her, cleans and has sex with her whenever she demands.
by Darkside69 May 28, 2020
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Someone who has been take'n into custody, or arrested by th police.
"You killed that woman johnny know your a collar for murder!"
by Kro September 4, 2003
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Detained, To keep from proceeding.
The unsuccessful burglar was collared by an operating 'cctv' system.
by Ol' Tozzy August 11, 2006
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A collared shirt, usually worn over a t-shirt. Not a dress shirt.

Can be long-sleeved or short-sleeved. No alternate connotation.
"So today I wore black collars over a white t-shirt."
by Plastic Platypus March 15, 2010
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a word i'm thinking about using to desribe American chavs. biggest fucking douchebags on the planet (see chav), known for wearing brightly colored collared shirts, with the collar up. brands are usually american eagle, hollister, and other GIRL stores, yet it's worn by guys. and again, biggest douchebags, ever.
"collars can go fuck themselves"
by TommyF. September 8, 2005
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to collar sum1 -
give them a hickey (only guys)
girls give them to guys!
-omg i hope he lets me collar him
by jenna mc carthy March 11, 2008
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The part of a shirt that I use to stash my crack pipe
"I need some crack... Gimme a sec to pull it outta my collar."
by WyndX May 9, 2003
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