A cloud of dust blown from an arse, when a powerful fart is expelled.
Wow man, did you see that? That man has major arse dust.
by Stuhen June 28, 2017
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Slang for the second most widely used illegal drug in the world, cocaine.

The reason it is called douche dust is because of the effects it has on its users. You see, coke makes you fun and energetic for about an hour but when it wears off a lot of people turn into a dick, a fiend, or.. well a douche! Other common names are coke, blow, white girl, white lightning, and Colombian marching powder.

Despite everything listed above, it is a pretty good time.
Friend One: So are we going to split the check?

Friend Two: Actually would you be able to get it this time and I pay you back? I spent $100 last night to suck a gram of douche dust up my nose so money is a little tight.

Waiter who overheard the conversation: What a douche!

Friend One: Well that’s it! Unfortunately we are out of the douche dust all of us went in on! Now don’t mind me while I go to the bathroom every 15 minutes for the rest of the night, I just have to pee a lot!
by danasp_42 November 10, 2021
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A dust collector is a person who has no purpose or meaning in life, and simply sits around and quote-on-quote “collects dust
by subliminal.happiness November 3, 2021
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