Your main girl who you can be seen in public with, but if yo side ting walks by you act like you don’t know her
Travis: “Yo are you guys dating?”
Jackson: “No vro, she just my main ting.”
by Malmberg015 March 29, 2018
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A term referring to the main cop of a patrol team
Aye main op drew why you late for practice?
by main op drew February 17, 2014
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Gaming slang originating from Apex Legends usually deemed as an insult to lesser competent players. A Gibralter Main is someone who is a bot and noobish that only relies on meta weapons to achieve and sort of accomplishment. These players can usually be seen camping in corners, running broken guns, and slowly jogging to you in a straight line while ADSing.
Tim: Bro, you should have seen it! I had a four kill game!

Gerald: Tim, that is at best and average game.
Tim: No, dude! I stomped on those kids. I waited until they were done fighting to run up on them while they were reviving each other and lit them up with my LMG.
Gerald: Oh my god, Tim, you're such a fucking Gibralter Main. You're so ass at this game!
Tim: I don't know what your talking about I got 2nd that game.
by Transcended Dolphin May 10, 2019
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And I'm not talking about Lobo from DC. With a final KDA of 18/-1/? we have... Robert Card. *Insert conservative John Wayne vigilante delusion*

Hym "Wait... -1? Oooh... He killed himself. So... Now what? I had to sit and listen to conservatives talk about 'If I wOuLd HaVe BeEn ThErE...' and how you needed to kill him, so... Now what? You're AWFULLY quiet now that he fed himself a bullet. So... Yeah. What do you do? What happens now? You're not taking the guns. That's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN (Stop asking) and NO if you would have been there you would NOT have killed him. He would have seen a faggot in a cowboy hat and shot you first (not a gay faggot but a YOU faggot). You woild have been wiping ice cream off your kids face and you would have died like everyone else. You're not special.
More guns isn't going to do anything. The people who want guns already have them. If MORE PEOPLE HAD THEM then you would have had 5 people pulling their guns at the same time, they turn and look in the direction of the gunshots, shoot the first person they see, it wasn't the guy because 2-20% of all casualties in combat are friendly fire. He was hospitalized. His rights were taken away because he had spoken about wanting to do a shooting. Didn't affect his ability to kill. You can't take his rights away any harder. So you can't say 'we need to take the rights of would-be killers away' you already did that. Doesn't work. I told you it doesn't work. What did you actually accomplish? You locked him in a hospital for 7 days. Took his rights away. And then tossed him back into the wild and it's like... What does that do for him? The mental health industry has failed all of you. 7 days in a room and turning him into a second-class citizen does WHAT exactly? If he had asked for help... What would he have gotten from any of you other than that? 'You need to stop playing the victim and work harder' THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE SAID! So... Now what? I'm not hearing anything from any of you. No justice. You didn't get to unleash you sadistic revenge fantasies on him. The Maine Man just kills himself after he does it. Nothing happens. No one learns anything."
by Hym Iam October 31, 2023
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Saying something to a group or on a social media platform that you meant to say or that should have been said in private or in a DM.
She didn't have to put it on main, she could have called me directly.
by meyeusername April 20, 2022
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