im 5'10 and i have a big cock
by @valencia__ceja February 10, 2022
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when u see a josue yk they got a big cock (juicy too)
by Juanito the 3rd February 5, 2022
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Term for when the cock is stinky and cracked
George has cock rot I think he should get it checked out
by Crocken December 27, 2022
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A Thot that sucks alot of cock and fucks and sucks your husband or in other words a home wrecker cock sucker
look theirs Shelby i hear shes a cock sucking hub stealer
by SUCC ME May 29, 2018
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To blow your hot breathe on a cock before giving oral sex
"Before shawty sucked me up she was hot blocking the cock"
by YSN CODIENE January 27, 2021
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Like a crazy cat lady, a Cock Gaggler is one who hoards cocks. They do not share the cocks they obtain with anyone else. The cocks they get there hands on are theirs, and theirs to keep.
"Hey dude, yesterday I saw John sucking himself off! You think he's a Cock Gaggler?"
by Jagaimo Punisher June 2, 2018
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