when u accidentally slip up your wording and accidentally get lectured for half an hour by ur liberal family member.
i accidentally said the word disabled and got a liberal lecture on why it was offensive by my cousin
by pictograph August 29, 2023
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by LOL SNISCOPE July 6, 2017
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The top Google result (as of November 2020) for this post's namesake.

Titled "Left-Speak : a glossary of terms", it's a strawman of a "liberal" in which the terms "socialist", "progressive", "leftist" and "liberal" are used interchangeably.

In it, "racist" is defined as "anyone who has decided that individuals should be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

The quote from MLK Jr is used here ironically, to point out apparent liberal hypocrisy. The entry (rather, all the entries, of which there are 77) is a projection of what the OP believes a "liberal" would mean when they speak. This entry continues with a heavily misconstrued explanation of "intersectionality".

Considering that the US is the *only first world country* where health care isn't universally accessible ("Universal Healthcare" is defined as , Specifically, a means by which you would be obliged to support or tolerate a certain political party or doctrine in order to save your very life") and given the many references to the US constitution, Left-speak was likely written by an American conservative.
"If you parse their sentences, the speech of the Left can be at times befuddling unless you understand their unique usage of terms. So that you may better understand (liberal words) Left-speak in the future, I offer the following glossary... You might want to print this and keep it on-hand for those times when you are unable to avoid (liberal words) Left-speak. "
by Mickey from Minnesota November 8, 2020
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Medical definition for anyone who lives too close to the world's tallest buildings.

When someone lives in an urban center too long and loses their touch with God.

Individuals that are institutionalized into a government program not designed by the military, such as schools,hospitals, most government programs, whether it be county, state or Federal.

Can be contracted by talking with large groups of these individuals for too long.

It is a mindset given to a person who believes in sacrificing themselves for the good of others. (Supposedly) as long as it benefits them.
My sister went to school to become a teacher and came home with a touch of liberalitis.
by Jake4260 October 17, 2023
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When 1 roommate plays 1968 by the turnpike troubadours literally hundreds of times on the guitar in the living room until it's stuck in the other roommate's head and then the second roommate sings the song in his room while the first roommate, who is working in the living room, shushes him.
Lloyd: "it's been a long time coming good to see you my old friend"
Felix, Command in Chief of the Liberal War Machine: "Dude....::implicit Hypocrisy of the Liberal War Machine::"
by levered_lloyd April 22, 2021
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Did you see the stinky liberal make a fool of themselves on FOX news today
by Mattyfucks December 20, 2020
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Weed out the liberals is a party / cult that costs 50:USD Per person
Bob: I’m in the weed out the liberals ! Ritcherd : COOL! Il join too!
by Kristine jenster. September 2, 2022
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