Lighter pseudo insult towards someone doing something stupid or nonsensical
Whatever your perverted mind can conjure up with the wet willy dry willy ear inserters.
Oh no you don't put it in there you silly willy!
Imma give you a silly willy babe
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Silly Willy is so silly. Only call the silliest of willies, Silly Willy.
"Is that Silly Willy? He's so silly."
by airdead October 3, 2023
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The best radio dj in the damn world. Used to be on 103.5 Kiss FM in Chicago, but then she moved god-knows-where and was replaced by a mediocre dj.
Kiss FM has sucked ever since Silly Jilly left
by Rowdy_801 February 21, 2010
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Being very high after smoking a large amount of marijuana
Shawn: I was smacked silly last night cuz, I couldn't even get off the couch
Justin: I know, I was there
by Jayice March 28, 2014
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Did u see that guy at the urinal he had a huge silly Susan!!!!
by Beetle!!! March 27, 2022
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