A pate like food, made from crushed penguins.
I caught a penguin today, I think I'm going to make it into a penguine terrine.
by el buzzward September 20, 2011
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To be summoned to Human Resource for disciplinary reasons
I got penguin Puffed today for calling in sick yesterday
by Jules Verne 2000 October 4, 2017
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“Ahh no I forgot my car keys” “Wow bob your really acting like Doan N the penguin she’s so stupid and ugly and dum dum
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When a man attempts to make his penis erect in a frigid environment but the penis only gets to half mast.
I tried to be the first person to nut on Mt. Everest but instead I had a Chub Penguin
by Boner Forest October 22, 2018
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1. A phrase used to describe the appearance of someone who is attractive. Also used as another way of describing an individual as “peng teng
by Jaguarjazy April 22, 2020
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A girl in her teens usually goes by the name of Haley. Loves to have sex and smoke pot. Has bad luck getting in car accidents and feels like the world is out to get here. Usually is involved in some group or organization from a small town.
by Delvakio January 11, 2018
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