The worst movie ever made. It's lack of good dialogue, props, and storyline make it so bad, it's good. It is one of the most entertaining pieces of cinematic stupidity ever made. There is an entire episode of Seinfeld about it.
That movie is funny, but it could never compare to Plan Nine from Outer Space.
by ambercutie654 September 19, 2005
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Someone so gay they could be from a queer colony in outerspace that sent a shuttle to Earth. The shuttle crashed and the soot covered the person making them appear "colored".
Look at Timmy, he is such a gay nigger from outer space!
by Diamond Doug May 6, 2005
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A nigger who is literally gay, and whose place of birth is somewhere in outer space.
Look at that gay nigger from outer space!
by timbalina May 8, 2005
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The single greatest motion picture ever filmed. Available on Youtube.

What are you waiting for---go watch it!!!
"You know Jake, sometimes I wonder if it would be possible to get a film called "Gay Niggers From Outer Space" produced into todays climate of political correctness."

"Tom, I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that question if it really is bothering you all that much."
by NonpedoSargon September 29, 2022
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A disease that causes plants to grow on one's fingers and toes. Early symptoms include the sudden desire to become a polish woodsman, and sudden loss of speech, the words '"yes" and gravy" being the exception.
A disease that is associated with the religion Butricktunglism.
My former roomate contracted Inner Outer Mist Syndrome.
by Mildred Kerplucknickshuck November 15, 2004
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A YouTube video called Killer Klowns from outer space death pie scene. The first step of the dance is to sit still until the music gets more climatic. Then you pump your fists in the air until the song reaches the climax. Then you start slapping the seat in front of you as hard as you can until the song slows down again.
Killer Klowns from outer space dance (bus only)- The kids on the bus did the killer Klowns dance so now there part of the secret club
by GANDOFF October 6, 2017
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Girls will call it the best show ever... when you get past the first season. Then somehow never go to the actual Outer Banks, NC. But the confusing part is that they will wear Outer Banks merchandise and you confuse it with the location or TV show

Boys will call it the worst show ever but stay because one of the actors is cute/hot, one of the two. Also hearing the genre of the show makes it worse
Girl 1: OMG did you see Season 2 of Outer Banks!? Its so good
Girl 2: Yeah!! Too bad they didn't find X spot

Boy 1: Are you watching Outer Banks, heard rhe girls say its interesting.
Boy 2: Nah its total dogshit. Only reason I watched it because one of the girls is pretty hot
Boy 1: Oh. I just searched it up and it seems like they ripped off Dora the Explorer. It's also about teens, so you know thats pretty relatable
by Man fuck you June 10, 2023
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