20 definitions by starwarsgeek133

An excellent and funny show that makes fun of society, consisting of four ten-year olds who swear a lot. Yet most of the people who watch it are ignorant teenagers, and they make fun of Jews/Asians/Black people because they think it's 'cool' since Cartman does it. Cartman is definitely hilarious, but the whole point of his character is to make FUN of Racism. Teenagers who watch the show also don't realize Jews made the show.
Ignorant teenager: haha joos are dum so ar asians and black people duh

Intelligent teenager: Shut up, idiot. Jews made the South Park.

Ignorant teenager: nuh uh then y would they make fun of joos hahah take that pwned

Intelligent teenager: If you are a certain race or religion, it's a whole lot easier to make fun of yourself. But of course you wouldn't understand that since your an average, white, Christian teenager.
by starwarsgeek133 August 18, 2010
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A sometimes derogatory term for an Eskimo. Invented by Stephen Colbert.
Dude 1: When I was in Alaska I saw some Ice Mexicans.
Dude 2: Dude, did they have sleighs and shit?
by starwarsgeek133 April 27, 2010
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1. A day in which the true fans of George Lucas' series celebrate by recreating lightsaber duels, watching all six movies, and playing Star Wars video games.

2. May 25th, since almost nothing having to do with Star Wars happened on the 4th. On the 25th, the original movie came out, AND It's the real Star Wars Day of L.A., whereas the 4th is unofficial entirely. A Star Wars book was published on the 4th. That's it. The book wasn't even that good.
Wanna-be Star Wars Geek: May the 4th be with you is funny, so that's Star Wars Day!
REAL Star Wars Geek: FUCK YOU!! Stupid ignorant shit! Go on Wookieepedia.com, look up May 4th, and THEN look up May 25th!! You'll see that MANY more Star Wars events happened on the 25th, you dumbass Nerf Herder!
by starwarsgeek133 May 17, 2010
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A stupid show about douchebags who claim to be 'guidos' and 'guidettes'. In reality, most of them are Mexican, Brazilian, or Chilean. It's retarded, mostly showing retarded people getting pissed.

All in all, It shows how stupid everyone in the world is getting.
Idiot: Hey did you watch jersey shore last night?????

non-Idiot: No...I don't watch Jersey shore.


Non-idiot: .....kill me now.
by starwarsgeek133 January 20, 2011
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Someone who is and always will be 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
times better and smarter than Glenn Beck.
(Regarding a CNN anchor's unwillingness to challenge a guest who used phony statistics to prove a point.)

'Why don't you call them on their bullshit?! You're an anchor for fuck's sake!'-
Jon Stewart
by starwarsgeek133 September 5, 2010
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Someone who doesn't realize a lot of people have worse lives than they do. Usually spoiled, and are attention-seeking pussies. When their pissed, they go and cry in their rooms and write poems.
I saw this emo kid and got really pissed off. He was fucking crying, probably because his parents took away his razor.

He doesn't realize some people his age have no parents to take care of them, and others his age are starving.
by starwarsgeek133 August 24, 2010
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