47 definitions by star8706

A sorry, lame film production company (1982-1999) under Columbia Pictures. Now this crap is released under "Screen Gems."
"TriStar Pictures sucks!"
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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Of, or referring to a governor. This word is exceptionally weird, because it should be governorial or something. Like, when we elect a President, it's called a Presidential election, NOT a Presibentorial election.
"It's funny the way Arnold Schwartzneggar pronounces gubernatorial."
by star8706 September 20, 2003
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Computerized people created on a game of the same name released by Electronic Arts
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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An attractive high-school boy whose an asshole, participates in athletics and usually gets all the chicks.
"Why is it only the jocks get the cheerleaders?"

"F*** the jocks!"
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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It's not B.E.T., it's BET!!!
by star8706 November 8, 2003
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